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Our winemaking team offers a new version of the favorite wine. We keep our wine lots separately throughout fermentation and aging. The final blends are performed right before bottling, once the wines have evolved to reveal all their true character and complexities. The resulting wines are dark and spicy, yet fruit-forward.

I would like to take this moment to write about me and the Casal, as I feel that, even in my future absence, in the coming years many of you will visit the us and the vineyards. To understand me better why I came to Portugal in the first place, I will have to explain a little bit the reasons. I was born in one of the formerly Baltic Russian Provinces (Estonia, Livonia, Curland) and during the Russian Revolution we had to flee in 1918 to Germany. After I was in 15 schools and Universities I finally landed in Switzerland, were I spent most of my professional life as a banker (what else would someone do in Switzerland).

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But nevertheless it has always, since we lost our home in 1918, been my dream to start a new family tradition in a new place in Europe. The older I got the more convinced I was that it will be land and agriculture which will form part of this dream. After my 50’s birthday I decided, it is time to find this place where I can live after retirement and start the project. Dreams and sunshine came together, and on one of my trips to Portugal, in the beginning of the 60’s I came across this magnificent spot in Almocageme – Colares. The house was a ruin, but the views and the fields were magnificent. So I decided to go ahead and buy the Casal Sta Maria.

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The history of this Quinta started in the beginning of the XVIII century. The main house was built in 1720 and it is remarkable that it has survived the 1755 earthquake. This is due to the underground granite structure of the Serra de Sintra. In the 19th century the owners of the Quinta were producing wines, but in these years consumption of wine was not the same than nowadays so in 1903 the wine production stopped. The renovation and construction of three additional buildings took us 3 years. Until the Revolution of 1974 we ran a small agriculture Quinta with a dozen cows, chickens and some vegetables. It was fun, and we enjoyed every moment of it. Our relationships with the Bombeiros and the Police from Almocageme originate from these times and up to these days I support these institutions with great passion.

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